Become a world changer, by providing clean, safe drinking water for families, while also sharing with them the Living Water that is Christ Jesus.
$150 provides:
Installation of a water filtration system in the home,
Education on the importance of drinking clean water,
Pastoral visits,
Opportunities to learn about Jesus and his love
Partnering with Lee University’s Holistic Child Development department, we have designed a system to assess the physical health and well-being of each member of the child in their home setting.
We are teaching each family about the importance of drinking clean water.
Each home receives regular pastoral visits that address the spiritual needs along with marriage and family intervention
We offer trauma healing care for women and children with special needs.
Each family is offered a Bible outreach and discipleship program.
We have seen a great improvement in the physical health of our children, and now their entire families. We are also seeing families transformed by the hope-giving love of Jesus Christ.
Can you provide a lifetime of clean water for a family today?